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Now we have a Twitter account: @bcr_tcr

All new topics will be posted to it: https://twitter.com/bcr_tcr

Note that we also have an RSS feed: http://b-t.cr/latest.rss

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I would add a link to the b-t.cr discourse site to the twitter account description.

Also, what is the granularity of the twitter broadcasts? Does it only generate a tweet for each new topic? Given that the site is (currently) relatively low-volume, could we have the twitter account tweet every update/comment? Or perhaps have a higher-granularity twitter account. (I am having the tweets post to my lab’s Slack)


Indeed. The means I’m using to generate the tweets, RSS -> https://ifttt.com/ -> Twitter, doesn’t allow higher granularity. If you can suggest another way we could consider it, but personally I prefer things the way they are now.

I don’t feel strongly, so let’s just leave it.