Original link at: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/1741166205/
The “Xenotransplantation Brazil” project is recruiting a full-time post-doctoral position in bioinformatics with demonstrated experience in using next generation sequencing data and robust computational approaches to study and to characterize the peripheral blood immune repertoire of humans and animal models. There will be a special interest in analyzing HLA and SLA data.
The “Xenotransplantation Brazil” group is leading an innovative project that aims to genetically modify pigs so their organs can be transplanted to humans. The successful applicant will join the Laboratory of Immunology, Heart Institute (INCOR), School of Medicine, University of São Paulo – USP and will work in São Paulo city, Brazil, in close collaboration with the Computational Systems Biology Laboratory at USP, which is comprised of a dynamic, interdisciplinary group of researchers including immunologists, clinicians, and bioinformaticians. His/her activities will be supervised by Professors Jorge Kalil and Helder Nakaya.
This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationalities. The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in the amount of R$ 7,373.10 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly related to the research activity.
More information about the fellowship is at: fapesp.br/oportunidades/3467.