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Publicly available AIRR-seq data sets

Publication TBD

  1. ENA Accession: PRJEB11483 (secondary accession: ERP012877)


  1. Banerjee, S et al. Evaluation of a novel multi-immunogen vaccine strategy for targeting 4E10/10E8 neutralizing epitopes on HIV-1 gp41 membrane proximal external region. Virology 505:113-26 (2017).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA355270
    • Species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA
  2. Bashford-Rogers, RJ et al. Network properties derived from deep sequencing of human B-cell receptor repertoires delineate B-cell populations. Genome Res 23:1874–84 (2013).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • ENA Study: PRJEB1289
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Roche 454, mRNA
    • The publication also states Illumina MiSeq 2x250, but I cannot locate this data.
  3. Bhiman, J.N. et al. Viral variant that initiate and drive maturation of VIV2-directed HIV-1 broadly neutralising antibodies. Nat Med. 21(11):1332 (2015).
    [PubMed] [DOI]
  4. Bolland, DJ et al. Two Mutually Exclusive Local Chromatin States Drive Efficient V(D)J Recombination. Cell Rep 15:2475-87 (2016).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA318060
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Illumina HiSeq 1000, gDNA
  5. Bonsignori, M et al. Maturation Pathway from Germline to Broad HIV-1 Neutralizer of a CD4-Mimic Antibody. Cell 165:449-63 (2016).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA304166
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Roche 454, gDNA
  6. Boyd, SD et al. Measurement and clinical monitoring of human lymphocyte clonality by massively parallel VDJ pyrosequencing. Sci Transl Med 1:12ra23 (2009).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • SRA Accession: SRP001460
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Roche 454, gDNA
  7. Britanova, O. V et al. Age-related decrease in TCR repertoire diversity measured with deep and normalized sequence profiling. J. Immunol. 192, 2689–98 (2014).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA273698
    • Illumina HiSeq2000 2x100, mRNA, 5’RACE, UMI
  8. Britanova, O. V. et al. Dynamics of Individual T Cell Repertoires: From Cord Blood to Centenarians. J. Immunol. (2016).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA316572
    • Illumina HiSeq2500 2x100, mRNA, 5’RACE, UMI
    • Data from Britanova et al. 2014 is a subset of this dataset
  9. Chang, Y.-H. et al. Network Signatures of IgG Immune Repertoires in Hepatitis B Associated Chronic Infection and Vaccination Responses. Sci. Rep. 6, 26556 (2016).
    • ENA Accession: PRJEB9332
    • Illumina NextSeq 2x150, mRNA
  10. Chen, Z. et al. T cell receptor b-chain repertoire analysis reveals intratumour heterogeneity of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J. Pathol. 4, 450 (2016).
    • SRA Accession: SRP072206
    • Illumina HiSeq 2000, mRNA
  11. Collins, A. M. et al. The mouse antibody heavy chain repertoire is germline-focused and highly variable between inbred strains. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 370, 20140236 (2015).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • ENA Accession: PRJEB8745
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Roche 454, mRNA
  12. Corcoran, M.M. et al. Production of individualized V gene databases reveals high levels of immunoglobulin genetic diversity. Nat. Commun. 7, 13642 (2016).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJEB15295
    • Species: Macaca mulatta, Mus musculus
    • MiSeq 2x300bp, mRNA
  13. Cui, A. et al. A Model of Somatic Hypermutation Targeting in Mice Based on High-Throughput Ig Sequencing Data. J. Immunol. 197, 3566–3574 (2016).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA283640
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE, 17bp UMI
  14. Davey, M.S. et al. Clonal selection in the human Vdelta1 Tcell repertoire indicates gd-TCR dependent adaptive immune surveillance. Nature Comm. 8, 14760 (2017).
    • SRA Accession: SRP096009
    • Illumina MiSeq, cDNA
  15. de Bourcy, C et al. Dynamics of the human antibody repertoire after B cell depletion in systemic sclerosis. Science Immunology, 2(15) (2017). [PubMed] [DOI]
  16. DeKosky, BJ et al. High-throughput sequencing of the paired human immunoglobulin heavy and light chain repertoire. Nature Biotechnology. 31(2):166-169 (2013).
    • SRA Accession: SRA061316
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, single cell emulsion PCR-linked heavy and light chain
  17. DeKosky, BJ et al. In-depth determination and analysis of the human paired heavy- and light-chain antibody repertoire. Nature Medicine. 21(1):86-91 (2015).
    • SRA Accession: SRP047462
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, single cell emulsion PCR-linked heavy and light chain
  18. Doria-Rose, N. et al. Developmental pathway for potent V1V2-directed HIV-neutralizing antibodies. Nature. 509(7498):55-62 (2014).
    • SRA Accessions: SRP034555, SRP017087
    • Roche 454, mRNA, mostly VH3- and VK- specific multiplex primers.
  19. Doria-Rose, N.A. et al. New member of the V1V2 directed CAP256-VRC26 lineage that shows increased breadth and exceptional potency. J. Virol. 90:1, 76 (2015).
  20. Feng, Y. et al. A mechanism for expansion of regulatory T-cell repertoire and its role in self-tolerance. Nature 528, 132–136 (2015).
  21. Freeman, J.D. et al. Profiling the T-cell receptor beta-chain repertoire by massively parallel sequencing. Genome Res., 19, 1817–24 (2009).
    • SRA Accession: SRA008633
    • Illumina GA II, mRNA, 5’RACE
  22. Greiff, V. et al. Quantitative assessment of the robustness of next-generation sequencing of antibody variable gene repertoires from immunized mice. BMC Immunol. 15, 40 (2014).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • ENA Accession: PRJEB4643
    • Species: Mus musculus (BALB/c)
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA
  23. Greiff, V. et al. A bioinformatic framework for immune repertoire diversity profiling enables detection of immunological status. Genome Medicine, 7:49, (2015). [DOI]
    • Data accession: Zenodo
    • Species: Mus musculus (BALB/c)
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA
  24. Greiff, V. et al. Systems Analysis Reveals High Genetic and Antigen-Driven Predetermination of Antibody Repertoires throughout B Cell Development. Cell Reports, 19, 1467–1478 (2015). [DOI]
    • ENA accession: E-MTAB-5349
    • Species: Mus musculus (C57BL/6, BALB/c, Pet store)
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA
  25. Gupta, N. T. et al. Hierarchical Clustering Can Identify B Cell Clones with High Confidence in Ig Repertoire Sequencing Data. J. Immunol. 1601850 (2017).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA349143
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE, 17bp UMI
  26. Halliley, JL et al. Long-Lived Plasma Cells Are Contained within the CD19(-)CD38(hi)CD138(+) Subset in Human Bone Marrow. Immunity 43:132-45 (2015).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA280743
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Illumina MiSeq + HiSeq 1000, mRNA
  27. Heather, J.M. et al. Dynamic Perturbations of the T-Cell Receptor Repertoire in Chronic HIV Infection and following Antiretroviral Therapy. Front. Immunol. 6:644 (2016).
    [PubMed] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA258001
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Illumina MiSeq, 250 bp, mRNA 5’ RACE, 12 bp UMI
  28. Hoehn, K. B. et al. Dynamics of immunoglobulin sequence diversity in HIV-1 infected individuals. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 370, 20140241 (2015).
    • ENA Accession: ERP000572
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x150, mRNA
  29. Huang, J et al. Identification of a CD4-Binding-Site Antibody to HIV that Evolved Near-Pan Neutralization Breadth. Immunity. 45(5):1108-1121 (2016).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA347514
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE
  30. Jackson, K.J.L. et al. Human Responses to Influenza Vaccination Show Seroconversion Signatures and Convergent Antibody Rearrangements. Cell Host Microbe, 105–114 (2014).
    • dbGaP Accession: phs000760.v1.p1
    • Roche 454, gDNA
  31. Jiang, N. et al. Determinism and stochasticity during maturation of the zebrafish antibody repertoire. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108, 5348–53 (2011).
  32. Jiang, N. et al. Lineage structure of the human antibody repertoire in response to influenza vaccination. Sci. Transl. Med., 5, 171ra19 (2013).
  33. Joyce, M. G. et al. Vaccine-Induced Antibodies that Neutralize Group 1 and Group 2 Influenza A Viruses. Cell. 166, 609-23 (2016).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession (Roche 454): PRJNA209999
    • BioProject Accession (Illumina MiSeq): PRJNA317685
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Roche 454, gDNA & mRNA; Illumina MiSeq 2x300 (?), mRNA, RACE
  34. Kaplinsky, J. et al. Antibody repertoire deep sequencing reveals antigen-independent selection in maturing B cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111, E2622–E2629 (2014).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA248676
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x150, gDNA
  35. Khan, T. et al. Accurate and predictive antibody repertoire profiling by molecular amplification fingerprinting. Science Advances, 2, e1501371 (2016). [DOI]
    • BioProject accession: PRJNA311999
    • Species: Mus musculus (BALB/c)
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA
  36. Levin, M. et al. Persistence and evolution of allergen-specific IgE repertoires during subcutaneous specific immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 137, 1535-1544 (2015) [DOI]
    • BioProject accession: PRJNA391821
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Roche 454, mRNA
  37. Levin, M. et al. Antibody-encoding repertoires produced by cells of bone marrow and peripheral blood - a focus on IgE. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 139, 1026-1030 (2017) [DOI]
    • BioProject accession: PRJEB18926
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA
  38. Liao, H.X. et al. Co-evolution of a broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibody and founder virus. Nature 496, 469 (2013).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  39. Lindner, C. et al. Diversification of memory B cells drives the continuous adaptation of secretory antibodies to gut microbiota. Nat. Immunol. 16, 880–888 (2015).
    [PubMed] [DOI]
    • ENA Accession: PRJEB9386
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Roche 454, mRNA
  40. Maceiras, A. R. et al. T follicular helper and T follicular regulatory cells have different TCR specificity. Nat Commun. 8:15067 (2017)
    [PubMed] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA362309
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Illumia MiSeq 2x250, mRNA
  41. Madi, A. et al. T-cell receptor repertoires share a restricted set of public and abundant CDR3 sequences that are associated with self-related immunity. Genome Res. 24, 1603–1612 (2014).
    • SRA Accession: SRP042610
    • Illumina HiSeq 2000, mRNA
  42. Mamedov, I.Z. et al. Quantitative tracking of T cell clones after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. EMBO Mol. Med. 3, 201-207 (2011).
    [DOI] [PMC] [PubMed]
  43. Martin, S.D. et al. Low mutation burden in ovarian cancer may limit the utility of neoantigen-targets vaccines. PLoS One, e0155189 (2016)
    • SRA Accession: SRP069102
    • Illumina HiSeq 2000, mRNA
  44. Menzel, U. et al. Comprehensive Evaluation and Optimization of Amplicon Library Preparation Methods for High-Throughput Antibody Sequencing. PLoS One, e96727 (2014). [DOI]
    • ENA Accession: E-MTAB-2226
    • Species: Mus musculus (BALB/c)
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA
  45. Michaeli, M. et al. Immunoglobulin gene repertoire diversification and selection in the stomach - from gastritis to gastric lymphomas. Front. Immunol. 5, 1–14 (2014).
  46. Mroczek, E. S. et al. Differences in the Composition of the Human Antibody Repertoire by B Cell Subsets in the Blood. Front. Immunol. 5, 1–14 (2014).
  47. Ota, M. et al. Regulation of the B Cell Receptor Repertoire and Self-Reactivity by BAFF. J. Immunol. 185, 4128–4136 (2010).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA79689
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Roche 454, mRNA, 5’RACE
  48. Palanichamy, A. et al. Immunoglobulin class-switched B cells form an active immune axis between CNS and periphery in multiple sclerosis. Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 248ra106–248ra106 (2014).
  49. Parameswaran, P. et al. Convergent Antibody Signatures in Human Dengue. Cell Host Microbe, 13, 691–700 (2013).
  50. Pieper, K. et al. Public antibodies to malaria antigens generated by two LAIR1 insertion modalities. Nature, Letter, August 23, 2017.
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA382214
    • Illumina MiSeq, mRNA
  51. Putintseva, E. V et al. Mother and child T cell receptor repertoires: deep profiling study. Front. Immunol. 4, 463 (2013).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA229070
    • Illumina HiSeq 2000 2x100, mRNA
  52. Qi, Q. et al. Diversity and clonal selection in the human T-cell repertoire. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A (2014).
    • dbGap Accession: phs000787.v1.p1
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA, 12bp UMI
  53. Roskin, K. M. et al. IgH sequences in common variable immune deficiency reveal altered B cell development and selection. Sci. Transl. Med. 7, 302ra135 (2015).
    [PubMed] [PMC] [DOI]
    • dbGap Accession: phs000934.v1.p1
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Illumina MiSeq and Roche 454, mRNA and gDNA
  54. Rubelt, F. et al. Individual heritable differences result in unique Lymphocyte receptor repertoires of naïve and antigen-experienced cells. Nat. Commun. 6, 1–12 (2016).
    • SRA Accession: SRP065626
    • ImmPort Accession (processed data): SDY675
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE, 10bp UMI
  55. Schanz, M. et al. High-Throughput Sequencing of Human Immunoglobulin Variable Regions with Subtype Identification. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111726 (2014).
  56. Shugay, M. et al. VDJtools: Unifying Post-analysis of T Cell Receptor Repertoires. PLoS Comput. Biol. 11, 1–16 (2015).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA280417
    • Illumina HiSeq2500, mRNA, 5’RACE, 12bp UMI
  57. Sok, D. et al. The effects of somatic hypermutation on neutralization and binding in the PGT121 family of broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies. PLoS Pathog 9(11): e1003754 (2013).
    • CDR3 in paper and raw sequences: s3://hiv-antibody-data
    • Roche 454, mRNA
  58. Soto, C et al. Developmental Pathway of the MPER-Directed HIV-1-Neutralizing Antibody 10E8. PLoS One. 11(6):e0157409 (2016).
  59. Stern, J. N. H. et al. B cells populating the multiple sclerosis brain mature in the draining cervical lymph nodes. Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 248ra107 (2014).
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA248475
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, mRNA, 17bp UMI
  60. Sundling, C. et al. Single-Cell and Deep Sequencing of IgG-Switched Macaque B Cells Reveal a Diverse Ig Repertoire following Immunization. J. Immunol. 192, 3637–3644 (2014).
  61. Tian, M. et al. Induction of HIV Neutralizing Antibody Lineages in Mice with Diverse Precursor Repertoires. Cell. 166(6): 1471-1484 (2016).
    [PubMed] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accesion: PRJNA327421
    • Species: Mus musculus
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250, single cell emulsion PCR-linked heavy and light chain
  62. Tipton, C. M. et al. Diversity, cellular origin and autoreactivity of antibody-secreting cell population expansions in acute systemic lupus erythematosus. Nat. Immunol. (2015).
    • SRA Accession: SRP057017
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x250/2x300, mRNA
  63. Tran, E. et al. Cancer immunotherapy based on mutation-specific CD4+ T cells in a patient with epithelial cancer. Science 344, 641 (2014).
    [DOI] [PubMed]
    • ImmunoSEQ (Adaptive Biotechnologies), mRNA
    • SRA Accession: PRJNA243084
  64. Tsioris, K. et al. Neutralizing antibodies against West Nile virus identified directly from human B cells by single-cell analysis and next generation sequencing. Integr. Biol. 7, 1587–1597 (2015).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • dbGap Accession: phs001200.v1.p1
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x150/2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE, 12/15bp UMI
  65. Turchaninova, M. et al. High-quality full-length immunoglobulin profiling with unique molecular barcoding. Nature Protocols 11, 1599–1616 (2016).
    [PubMed] [DOI]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA297771
    • Species: Homo sapiens
    • Illumina MiSeq 350+300/400+100, mRNA, 5’RACE, 12bp UMI
  66. Vander Heiden, J. A. et al. Dysregulation of B Cell Repertoire Formation in Myasthenia Gravis Patients Revealed through Deep Sequencing. J. Immunol. 1601415 (2017).
    [DOI] [PubMed]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA338795
    • Illumina MiSeq 2x300, mRNA, 5’RACE, 17bp UMI
  67. Vergani, S. et al. Novel Method for High-Throughput Full-Length IGHV-D-J Sequencing of the Immune Repertoire from Bulk B-Cells with Single-Cell Resolution. Front Immunol. 8: 1157 (2017).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA381394
    • Illumina MiSeq, mRNA
  68. Vollmers, C. et al. Genetic measurement of memory B-cell recall using antibody repertoire sequencing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 110, 13463–8 (2013).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • dbGAP Accession: phs000656.v1.p1
    • Illumina HiSeq2000 100+120, mRNA, 2x8bp UMI
  69. Vollmers, C. et al. Novel Exons and Splice Variants in the Human Antibody Heavy Chain Identified by Single Cell and Single Molecule Sequencing. PLoS One 10, e0117050 (2015).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • SRA Accession: SRP043513
    • Illumina HiSeq2000, mRNA, PacBio, Sanger
  70. Wang, C. et al. High throughput sequencing reveals a complex pattern of dynamic interrelationships among human T cell subsets. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 1518–23 (2010).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  71. Wang, C. et al. Effects of aging, cytomegalovirus infection, and EBV infection on human B cell repertoires. J. Immunol., 192, 603–11 (2014).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • dbGAP Accession: phs000666.v1.p1
    • Roche 454, gDNA/mRNA
  72. Wang, C. et al. B-cell repertoire responses to varicella-zoster vaccination in human identical twins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (2014).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • dbGAP Accession: phs000817.v1.p1
    • Roche 454, gDNA/mRNA
  73. Wang, T. et al. The different T-cell receptor repertoirs in breast cancer tumors, draining lymph nodes, and adjacent tissues. AACR (2016).
    • SRA Accession: SRA455606
    • Illumina HiSeq 2000, mRNA
  74. Warren, R.L. et al. Exhaustive T-cell repertoire sequencing of human peripheral blood samples reveals signatures of antigen selection and a directly measured repertoire size of at least 1 million clonotypes. Genome Res., 21, 790–7 (2011).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • SRA Accession: SRA020989
    • Illumina GA IIx 2x100/2x150, mRNA, 5’RACE
  75. Weinstein, J. A. et al. High-throughput sequencing of the zebrafish antibody repertoire. Science (80-. ). 324, 807–10 (2009).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  76. Wesemann, D. R. et al. Microbial colonization influences early B-lineage development in the gut lamina propria. Nature 501, 112–5 (2013).
  77. Wu, X. et al. Focused evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by structures and deep sequencing. Science (80-. ). 333, 1593–602 (2011).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  78. Wu, X. et al. Maturation and Diversity of the VRC01-Antibody Lineage over 15 Years of Chronic HIV-1 Infection. Cell. 161(3):470-85 (2015).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • SRA Accession: SRP052625
    • Roche 454, mRNA, VH1/VK-specific multiplex PCR
  79. Wu, Y.-C. B. et al. Influence of seasonal exposure to grass pollen on local and peripheral blood IgE repertoires in patients with allergic rhinitis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 134, 604–612 (2014).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  80. Zhou, T. et al. Multi-donor Analysis Reveal Structural Elements, Genetic Determinants, and Maturation Pathway for Effective HIV-1 Neutralization by VRC01-class Antibodies. Immunity. 39, 245-258 (2013).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  81. Zhou, T. et al. Structural repertoire of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies targeting the CD4 supersite in 14 donors. Cell, 6 1280-1292 (2015).
  82. Zhu, J. et al. Somatic Populations of PGT135-137 HIV-1-Neutralizing Antibodies Identified by 454 Pyrosequencing and Bioinformatics. Frontiers in Microbiology. 3, 315 (2012).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  83. Zhu, J. et al. Mining the antibodyome for HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies with next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic pairing of heavy/light chains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 6470–5 (2013).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  84. Zhu, J. et al. De novo identification of VRC01 class HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies by next-generation sequencing of B-cell transcripts. PNAS. 110, 4088-4097 (2013).
    [DOI] [PMC]
  85. Zvyagin, I. V. et al. Distinctive properties of identical twins’ TCR repertoires revealed by high-throughput sequencing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 111, 5980–5 (2014).
    [DOI] [PMC]
    • SRA Accession: SRP028752
    • Species: HomoSapiens
    • Illumina GA IIx 2x125, mRNA
  86. Zvyagin, I. V. et al. Tracking T-cell immune reconstitution after TCRαβ/CD19-depleted hematopoietic cells transplantation in children. Leukemia. 5, 1145-53 (2017).
    [DOI] [PubMed]
    • SRA Accession: SRP070495
    • BioProject Accession: PRJNA312319
    • Species: HomoSapiens
    • Illumina HiSeq2500 2x100, mRNA, 5’RACE, UMI

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Thanks to everyone who contributed to this list!