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Draft of "Tools and Resources Working Group" summary statement and future directions

As @ematsen announced, we are fast approaching the upcoming AIRR community meeting. At last year’s meeting, we formed three working groups to continue exploring the issues that were discussed, with the goal of reporting back at this year’s get together.

@ematsen and I have been chairing the Tools and Resources working group. Many of our discussions have taken place here in these forums; summaries of previous conversations here and here. Based on these and other discussions, I have drafted the following “Preliminary recommendations & suggestions for the coming year.” I invite all corrections/edits/feedbacks; the final version will be sent to the NIH by Thursday, June 16th, to be posted on the website as part of the meeting materials.

Summary of current recommendations: Please see this thread.

On-going and future work:

  1. We expect to continue our work fleshing out the detail of these recommendation after the meeting
  2. More attention will need to be devoted to biological tools and resources

Future meetings, workshops, and conversations:

  1. We think that a third community meeting in 2017 would be useful, though the best format isn’t clear yet.
  2. We plan to continue to use this site (b-t.cr) for ongoing conversations and hope it can develop into a resource for the broader community to ask questions and discuss AIRR-related topics.
  3. We are looking into ways to have small “meetups” tailored to working out the details and implementation of some of the things we have discussed.